Innovative-vision-skyline-denver-downtown-with-rocky-mountains innovative-vision-Downtown-Denver-Drone-Skyline

The Innovative Vision

Scott and Lora

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Colorado Real Estate

Founded in 2003 by Scott and Lora Nordby as Innovative Real Estate, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Colorado Real Estate began with a vision: to create a brokerage where agents could thrive professionally while living rich, fulfilling lives at home.

Scott Nordby reflects, “We focus on mindset first, skillset second, and activities third. We believe in collaboration and abundance, with the ultimate goal of serving clients in the best way possible.” This philosophy is the foundation of The Innovative Vision—a commitment to cultivating a supportive, growth-oriented community.

The Innovative Vision

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Colorado Real Estate is more than just another real estate company.  We are a group of like-minded individuals actively pursuing the greatness that we feel each of us has within.  There are those that are further in this journey and, with Colorado Real Estate, these individuals contribute time and energy to others just getting started.  We believe that having an atmosphere of successful individuals, both personally and professionally, creates the space for each person to be the catalyst of greatness in their own lives which then affects the lives of those around them whether they be friends, family, co-agents, industry partners, or clients.  Our philosophy is that by being a contributing factor in the lives of those around you, so much more will be attracted into your life. 


Once we surrendered to the possibility of having more in our lives, we developed and implemented the concept of The Innovative Vision.  If you are ever to spend your time in one place for any amount of time, it should be a time of quality, not quantity.  Be in an environment that encourages you to want more and to be more by giving more.  It is easy to measure financial success and this is what is important to so many.  We, on the other hand, feel that financial success is only one of the many important components to ultimate success.  There must be balance within your personal life to truly enjoy all that success may offer.  The environment within Colorado Real Estate is one based on values with the belief that all things really are possible.  Is it easy?  No, finding balance is often the hardest task anyone may accomplish.  Is it possible?  Absolutely. If you have the commitment, we have the place to assist your growth.  Remember, as each of us move forward in our daily lives, we touch many lives around us whether we are aware of it or not.  Now is the time to open your eyes to the example you set forth.  Be proud of it and bring this as a gift to all of those you touch.  A stranger that you meet today may be one of your greatest friends or clients tomorrow.

We Are Innovative. We Are A Team. We Are Colorado Real Estate.